I have been involved with Mikoroshoni Primary School since 2008. Being associated with John Brooker, through Rotary Middleton, I had heard a lot about the school and how it was established. I began to sponsor through yearly donations and was so impressed with the feedback I was getting from John that I asked if there was anything I could do to help out with the administration of the charity. Clearly it was an opportune time for John and he asked if I would be prepared to start ‘doing the books’ for MPS. This was soon followed by the proposal to make me a trustee as treasurer of the charity.
It was a role I was delighted to put my skills to, and in the time since taking it on I have managed to ‘computerise’ the accounts and all associated files making the filing of accounts and gift aid claims a little easier to monitor.
The success Mikoroshoni Primary School depends on sound financial and future planning, it is in these fields that I aim to help the charity to the best of my ability, ensuring that the children of MPS can gain a successful life through the education we are able to provide them with.